Innovation Management
Accelerate your growth.
The business world changes deamatically and instantly. Every new, start-up or existing company may face challenges along the path and towards establishing a robust business. That is why the researchers and experts of nZEB Smart Home offer in-depth coaching and support for entrepreneurs.
Get creative about ways to incorporate outside thinking into your production or business work flow, with the offered courses on emerging domains, find the necessairy financial resources to support your operations, or get informed and participate in the stages constituting the project development proccess.
The life cycle of companies consists of multiple phases, each with its own characteristics and needs. An understanding of the phase, that the company is being involved, as well as its surroundings, gives a better insight in the steps necessary to gain access to finance. These funds might either be the starting point to carry out new innovative projects or just evolve an existing technology.
The nZEB Smart Home includes a number of mechanisms to facilitate financing for partners, such as participation in funded collaborative projects, support to raise financing through innovation-specific instruments, and access to investors.
Funding mechanisms: