Innovation Management
Accelerate your growth.
The business world changes deamatically and instantly. Every new, start-up or existing company may face challenges along the path and towards establishing a robust business. That is why the researchers and experts of nZEB Smart Home offer in-depth coaching and support for entrepreneurs.
Get creative about ways to incorporate outside thinking into your production or business work flow, with the offered courses on emerging domains, find the necessairy financial resources to support your operations, or get informed and participate in the stages constituting the project development proccess.
Transforming ideas into competitive R&D proposals and projects is one of the core efficiencies of the nZEB Smart House DIH. Managing projects or even writing proposals for EU Projects can be complicated and demanding. It requires a lot of time, a critical look and an adequate level of expertise on the subject proposed. But most importantly, it demands a good management plan for the entire project.
Encouraging cooperation and collaboration among organisations for exploiting common opportunities, eg: business, research, funding, match-making, open innovation etc.
The nZEB Smart Home actively particpates in EU initiatives such as AI DIH Netwok, DIHELP, DIHNET, etc, as well as research programs, which aim to enhance the collaboration between the different stakeholders from the European DIH Community with a wide range of services, information and tools that will help every interested party to communicate, align and synchronize its activities.
We may not write the proposal for you, but given the idea and the partnership dynamic we can work together towards bringing forth a new idea/concept. Provision of technical assistance to third parties, in the proposal development process in order to comply with the specific requirement, as well as development of R&D proposals, apply for National and EU funding, and lead and coordinate R&D projects regardless of the size of the projects.